Our firm focus on simply and
efficiently providing high quality
one-stop services at reasonable prices.
Thank you very much for visiting our Cross Core Group’s website. Cross Core & Company provides accounting, payroll, tax and corporate services. The Cross Core team consist of talented professionals who developed extensive experience at large professional firms for approximately 10 years. With extensive knowledge of tax, accounting and social insurance, we strive to simply and efficiently provide remarkable one-stop services at reasonable prices, so that clients can spend precious time on what really matters.

Our Strengths

One-stop and full services
We focus on providing non-audit services. Therefore, it is permissible to provide any type of non-audit services, including but not limited to (i) tax compliance services related to preparing tax returns, (ii) bookkeeping, tax provision calculation and tax package preparation services, (iii) payroll services (including gross up calculation and social insurance compliance services), and (iv) formal application for any subsidy.
For an entity with no administrative personnel in Japan, we are happy to undertake any type of accounting, human resources operations and any other general affairs (e.g. setting up bank account).

Reasonable fees
By focusing on simply, efficiently and electronically providing any services, our professional fees are very reasonable and competitive.
・Fixed fee quoted in advance
・Free meeting each month
・Free preliminary tax observation/tax efficient structure proposal

Extensive professional
knowledge and skills
Our partners are certified professionals who had developed extensive experiences at largerprofessional firms. We are confident that we can offer multidisciplinary services to satisfy any client’s specified needs in many critical areas, including international cross border and M&A transactions. Our partners commit to work closely and actively.
If applicable, we will also be happy to propose and discuss more efficient structure(s), in terms of maximizing return and minimizing overall tax leakage.

Entity Choice