Our strengths

Bookkeeping *
Assumptions Typical Fee Level # of journal entries does not exceed 200 per monthJPY 70,000 per month
# of journal entries exceeds 200 per month To be estimated depending on actual volume and complexity * No additional charge for one meeting on a monthly basis (per each month).

Assumptions Typical Fee Level # of salaried directors and employees does not exceed 5JPY 50,000 per month
# of salaried directors and employees exceeds 5 but does not exceed 10 JPY 70,000 per month # of salaried directors and employees exceeds 10 To be estimated depending on actual volume

Tax Compliance *
Assumptions Typical Fee Level Annual turnover does not exceed JPY 50 millionMonthly retainer fee JPY 30,000 **
Year end fee JPY 180,000 Annual turnover exceeds JPY 50 million but does not exceed JPY 100 million Monthly retainer fee JPY 50,000 **
Year end fee JPY 300,000 Annual turnover exceeds JPY 100 million To be estimated depending on actual volume and complexity * No additional charge for one meeting on a monthly basis (per each month).
** This should be significantly reduced if we can also be engaged in monthly bookkeeping services.